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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tree house, Part 7

Tree house, Part 7, originally uploaded by ega-ega.

I always wanted to have a tree house, a house that sitting in the middle of a gigantic tropical rain forest tree. I've been nagging to my dad all my childhood years. Even told him, that he will never ever had to worry about me nagging anymore if he built me a house tree. I guess he kinda knew that that never ever happened....

Despite that I also wanted a puma, a monkey, and my best buddy, Fitz that should came along with the house tree (hey he really should blamed Janet Jackson for having puma at her music video)

And now.... I have my own house tree. MY OWN!! JUST ME and buddies. It's not done yet, still long way to finish.
And it's too small for me to live in, but still my dream house.

Yes proudly to say i'm a tree hugger, literally.

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