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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Cups for Japan

Cups for Japan, originally uploaded by Heldegard.
My 10 pieces cups are ready for bisque. I hope those porcelain slips will stay on place.
I did few designs for the cups. The most time consuming is the bird and mishima technique. 
After trimming the cups, I carved some curly design and put some thick engobe.
I let them covered tightly for a week, then start to scrape the excess engobe. 

The rest are quite simple designed with porcelain slips, at first each cups were painted with white engobe to create a brush pattern. I use my hair coloring bottle to do the dots. Hey those bottles always comes in handy and reuse! Good for the environment. 

I love the simplicity of the dots and lines. 
Still thinking whether I should color those dots or not. I'll decide later.

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